MÅNADENS KONSTNÄR (augusti 2018)
Jag söker ledtrådar och metoder i mina konstnärliga processer och skriver i Tidningen Kulturen om svårigheten med att gräva när en springer. Hur tusan får en ihop tillvaron som konstnär, kvinna och ensamstående heltidsförälder?

Jag utformar en kurs inom Foley för nystartade Tivoli Kulturskola som drar igång sin verksamhet i Nacka kommun till hösten.
"Berätta med Ljud"
- Blunda. Vad hör du?
På avstånd: trafik/ skrattande barn/ en mås som skriande flyger förbi?
Närmare: vatten som spolar i en sink/ metallskrammel/ fotsteg som närmar sig?
Nära: knattrande datortangenter/ ett raspande ljud när fingrar kliar i ditt hår/ andetag?
Inuti: blod som pulserar i öronen/ en envis melodi som bosatt sig i bakre delen av skallen?
Varje plats, händelse och känsla bär på lager av ljud, ljudbilder. Genom att sätta samman olika ljud kan en också framkalla och manipulera närvaron av platser, händelser och känslor.
Denna kurs passar dig som är nyfiken och gillar ljud och/eller att berätta historier. Kursen är både till för nybörjare och för de som har hållit på med ljud, inspelning och redigering eller berättande tidigare.
Under kursen kommer vi att lyssna på olika ljud och miljöer, egna och andras erfarenheter och berättelser. Vi arbetar med olika teman och övningar som är till för att sätta igång fantasin och forma nya idéer. Du kommer att få undersöka, spela in och skapa ljudberättelser kopplade till platser och händelser i ditt liv. Samtidigt går vi igenom olika tekniker och tips för att du ska kunna forma dina ljudberättelser så som du vill ha dem. I slutet av kursen sammanställs allas ljudberättelser till en gemensam Audio Walk, en ljudpromenad.

NACKA KONST (februari 2018)
Nu är allt uppe!
Under 2017 har jag på uppdrag av Nacka kommun arbetat med och byggt upp Nacka Konst, undersida till www.nacka.se, som idag inkluderar presentationer om mer än 116 offentliga konstverk, kommunens konstsamling och den kommunala konsthallens verksamhet. Jag har skapat en tydlig grafiskt tilltalande struktur, sidor och innehåll; fotat och skrivit om konstnärliga gestaltningar, konstnärer och enligt vilka principer kommunen producerar, äger och visar konst. Materialet på webben är utformad för en bred mottagargrupp; tillgänglig, attraktiv och användbar för allmänhet och yrkesfolk.
Allmänheten, Nacka Konst och pedagoger har nu lättillgängligt underlag för konstpromenader och undervisning. Nya beställare av offentlig konst har fått tillgång till ett arkiv av tidigare beprövade processer, konstnärer och material.

NACKA KONST (november 2016)
Konstsekreterare Nanna Leth på Nacka kommun, kontaktar mig. Hon och Nacka Konst önskar öka allmänhetens intresse, delaktighet och användande av konsten som kommunen producerar, äger och visar. Jag föreslår en initial åtgärd bestående av att göra material och information om konsten tillgängliga på webben.
Konsten inventeras, jag drar igång mitt researcharbet och kontaktar konstnärer. Jag redigerar, skriver texter och tar fram bildmaterial. Parallellt lär jag mig hur kommunen arbetar och hur EpiServer funkar. Sen börjar jag bygga upp en struktur för NACKA KONST på www.nacka.se |
Berättelser i en väska (Mars 2015 - november 2016)
Jag arbetar som turnésamordnare för konstprojektet "Berättelser i en väska".
Projektet ägs av Föreningen Artikel 31 och finansieras av medel från Allmänna Arvsfonden. |
ANOTHER NATURE (February 11 - March 13, 2016)
Exhibition at A.I.R. Gallery, 115 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, New York, US
Opening reception: February 11th, 6 - 9 pm
Artists´ talk: February 11th, 5 pm
Curator: Maari Rantanen
Participating artists:
Annica Einarson
Emma-Lina Ericson
Anna Stina Erlandsson
Emma Göransson
Andréa Hösel
Monica Larsson
Monika Masser
Alexandra Skarp
The exhibition is the first part of an international cultural exchange project between a group of artists and members of the artist-run gallery Studio 44 in Stockholm (SWE) and a group of artists and members of the artist-run gallery A.I.R. in Brooklyn, NY (US) .
The second part will be an exhibition by A.I.R. artists at Studio 44, Stockholm (SWE) in spring 2017.
A.I.R. have been advocates for women in the visual arts since 1972.
Studio 44 is a non-profit gallery run by 30 artists and was founded in 2003.
This international cultural exchange project is supported by IASPIS – The Swedish Arts Grants Committee´s International programme for visual artists and designers. |
MAP OF THE NEW ART (Sep 1 - Nov 1, 2015)
Exhibition at Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
- Five continents, 38 collections, 6930 artists with 10x12 cm artworks - and the piece No P(l)ay is one of them
In the current climate of arrested utopias, attacks on cultural heritage, assaults on imagination and knowledge, Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton’s global art project, comes to Venice to propose an art without borders that breaks the silence, goes beyond differences, pushes forward civilization. The exhibition MAP OF THE NEW ART includes collections from more than 40 nations and native peoples representing the five continents: 10x12 cm artworks by 6930 artists. Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. Foto ©Fondazione Giorgio Cini Collections in this Exhibition: Afghanistan Algeria: More or Less - Brazil - Bulgaria: Save the Dreams - Bushmen from Kalahari - Caribbean: Together Apart - Colombia - Croatia - CubaDentro - Denmark: Constructions - Germany mon amour - Greece: Traces of Today - Hungary - Iran: Iranomutomorphosis.net - Israel: One - Praestigium I - Praestigium II - Jordan - Latvia: Wow - Mexico: The Future is Unwritten - Nigeria: Roots - North American Indigenous Artists - North Korea: A Unique Country - Ojo Andino - Organix - Painting the Dreaming (Aboriginal Artists) - Philippines - Saudi Arabia - South Africa: 10x12@Sa - Syria - Spain: Identity/Modernity - Sweden - Switzerland - Thailandia: Spiritual & Material - Tibet - Tunisia: Turbulences - Uganda/Rwanda/Burundi - Vienne for Art's Sake -
- A book and a collection of 250 art pieces made by 250 swedish artists
"Imago Mundi is the collection of works commissioned and collected by Luciano Benetton on his travels around the world, involving, on a voluntary and non-profit basis, established and emerging artists from many different countries. Each of them has created a work whose only restriction is its 10x12 cm format, contributing to the creation of a remarkable artistic geography.
The increasingly global Imago Mundi project is further evolving and will involve 80 countries by the end of 2015 for a total of over 10,000 artworks.
No P(l)ay
A deafening silent sound piece by Emma-Lina Ericson
Moderna Museet and MDT, Stockholm
Translate, Intertwine,Transgress is an interdisciplinary symposium on choreography, philosophy, art and poetry, featuring talks, performances and parties, at Moderna Museet and MDT (Modern Dance Theatre).
The choreographer Björn Säfsten and the philosopher Per Nilsson, both from Umeå, have engaged over the past three years in a multidisciplinary research project involving choreography and philosophy, at the Umeå Academy of Fine Arts. In association with Moderna Museet and MDT, lectures, performances, workshops, discussions and parties will take place on Skeppsholmen for three days, to summarise and celebrate the conclusions of this project.
I am invited to show a four chanel sound piece; Blackbirds in the MDT glass foayer as part of the eavening program the 12 June.
Sound installation by Emma-Lina Ericson
Installation view, MDT glass foyer
Sound installation by Emma-Lina Ericson
Installation concept; visitors interacting with the manuscript
Translate, Intertwine, Transgress program sheet |
Wind Metallica - music performance by Maria Johansson Josephsson
at restaurant Hjerta, down by the Skeppsholmen harbour
Idioter - sound and dance performance by Alma Söderberg and Hendrik Wiklekens, in the exhibition Babel at Moderna Museet
Bad Romance Cake - interactive song and cake performance by Shake it collaborations, in MDT foyer |
I took a workshop at EMS (ElektronMusikStudion) held by acoustician Josefin Lindebrink where we builded Binural Recording Devices and did some field recording. Looking forward to use the technic in upcoming projects!
Building a binural recording device
Listening to field recordings |
TO THE BEAT OF MY TONGUE (11 and 12 April 2015)
-A Lecture Performance Festival at Studio 44, Tjärhovsgatan 44, Stockholm
2 - 2.30 Noteringar av glömda ord by Jannike Brantås and Marie-Louise Uhlén
2.45 - 3.20 de-sentation by Björn Säfsten, in company with Sebastian Lingserius
3.30 - 4 Performance Lecture om Magi, Kropp och Hypokondri by Stina Nyberg
4 - 4.45 Food, wine and mingel
5 -5.30 Observationer by Antonie Grahamsdaughter
The ticket price of 80SEK includes food & wine!
The project is produced with support from Stockholm Stad, and Kulturrådet via Säfsten Produktion.
"Personligt och specifikt har en grupp konstnärer satt samman varsin programpunkt till lecture performance-serien “To the Beat of My Tongue” - som ger möjlighet att möta en konstnär mitt i hens praktik och skapande. Titeln spelar an på utmaningen att ibland formulera hur man arbetar med sitt konstnärsskap.
Är kanske just metoden det mest konstnärliga?
I vilken form kan en lecture vara ett verk och ett verk vara en lecture?
Vi försöker vrida och vända på perspektiven i en samling vitt skilda konstnärliga möten!
De medverkande konstnärerna utgår från verk de tidigare skapat, arbeten de är mitt i eller processer de drivit i många år kring sitt arbete. Under två heldagar - uppblandat med mat och och vin - ges fyra olika lecture performance sessioner i Studio 44:s lokaler! OBS! Samma line-up båda dagarna! Kom, lyssna, titta, reflektera, diskutera, ät och ta ett glas med oss!
Studio 44 är ett konstnärsdrivet initiativ , en dynamisk organisation som karakteriseras av öppenhet för olika uttryck. Eventet är ett samarbete mellan några av medlemmarna i Studio 44 och koreografen Björn Säfsten som också bjuder in kollegan Stina Nyberg att skapa ett verk!" |
Graphic design and flyer by Emma-Lina Ericson
Lecture Performance on choreography by
choreographer Björn Säfsten, on stage together with dancer Sebastian Lingserius
Performance by Antonie Grahamsdaughter |
Noteringar av glömda ord
Performance by Jannike Brantås and Marie-Louise Uhlén
Performance Lecture om Magi, Kropp och Hypokondri
by Stina Nyberg |
ccap / c.off, Körsbärsvägen 9, Stockholm
WITH artists and participants from the post-Yugoslav space and Sweden: Cristina Caprioli / ccap, Louise Blad, Andreja Dugandžić, Emma-Lina Ericson, Jusuf Hadžifejzović, Nela Hasanbegović, Elin Magnusson, Svetlana Maraš, MYCKET (Mariana Alves, Katarina Bonnevier & Thérèse Kristiansson), Ofelia Jarl Ortega, Marija Ratković, Hanna Wildow, and Red Min(e)d.
CURATED BY: Red Min(e)d
The four-day Living Archive StockHolm Edition: Dada Polis allows an archive to actually “live” and generate as everyone’s event. It offers a common social imagination of space and time through a collectively co-articulated and mis-interpreted site. This time; Living Archive focuses on Dada Polis Manifesto. As an Off-station and based on the feminist re-articulation of avant-garde, the Dada Polis Manifesto is inviting artists, participants and the public (not) to take part in co-creating a fine-tuning manifest – by every-one and for any-one.
Living Archive is an ongoing curatorial and art project by Red Min(e)d. It has started in 2011 with edition in Zagreb, followed up by different scale editions in Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Vienna and Belgrade. Using the representation and/or public space for living, (non)working and co-creating Red Min(e)d raises the question “who can enter, produce and claim history, present and future and under what conditions?” Living Archive is about feminism, about making friendships, dancing and laughing, or just being apart or together on the border where art meets life and life makes sense.
I Still Have an Other-Ache, Face two Face
sound installation by Emma-Lina Ericson
I Still Have an Other-Ache, Face two Face
sound installation by Emma-Lina Ericson |
Act of Instinct
performance by Elin Magnusson
Between Light and Darkness
light installation by Nela Hasanbegovic |
Hidden for Us
choreographic performance by Ofelia Jarl Otega
Feminist Feast
ood performance and brunch by Andreja Dugandzic & Louise Blad |
SURVIVAL KIT FESTIVAL (september 20 - october 19, 2014)
I participate in Survival Kit Festival in Umeå with the piece I Still Have an Other-Ache.
SURVIVAL KIT UMEÅ is an international contemporary art festival exploring the theme of local and global survival. The month-long festival is filled with visual art, music, food and film as well as discussions, seminars and lectures by invited artists and activists. The festival runs in collaboration with Survival Kit 6 in Riga. This year, when the two cities are European Culture Capitals, there will be two parallel Survival Kit Festivals, first in Riga followed by Umeå.
The festival has it's central hub around Verkligheten Gallery on Pilgatan 16 and nearby, at Kungsgatan 92 as well as in the Trailer Gallery and Vita Kuben at the Norrlands Opera. It also utilizes less conventional art spaces, filling the older parts of the hospital and infiltrating town parks and leftover spaces in the city. As a finale, the festival takes the ferry to Finland under the artistic supervision of Maskinen Gallery, connecting the Survival Kit Festival with the Bothnia Biennal in Finland.
Around 30 artworks made by international and local artists all have their starting point in the theme of survival. There is a great variety in techniques, aesthetics and conceptual ideas and the artworks range from installation and sculpture to video and performance. Some artworks are site-specific and built on location, others are finished works installed on-site in Umeå. Many of the artists will also be present in person during the festival!
For more information, please visit www.survivalkitfestival.se/
I Still Have an Other-Ache, installation view from Kungsgatan 92 in Umeå - one of the venues of SURVIVAL KIT
SENSE OF LOSS - en bråddjup utställning om sorg (january 10 - february 2, 2014)
At Studio 44, Tjärhovsgatan 44, Stockholm
Most of us are at some point or another hit by loss, and grief - it is a demanding feeling that takes a lot of energy. Some people say grief can force us to mature, for others it might change life into something more limited or empty. One has to learn to live with grief - inside oneself or to be able to support others. Experiences of loss and grief differs, it is something very individually and every person have to find their own way forth. It can take a while - because grief is a process which takes time.
In the exhibition "Sense of Loss" Ylva Landoff-Lindberg, Marianne Bengtsson and Emma-Lina Ericson give room for loss and grief, a selection of personal artworks invite the visitor and her thoughts.
"Even though terrible things happens, people do come back from all kinds of horrible blows. The exhibition might cause the visitor watery eyes but our wish is to remind people how incredible strong humans are."
Installation view SENSE OF LOSS
After Your Heart Stopped - paper collages by Ylva Landoff Lindberg, Storyboard & Eftertex - drawings and text installation by Marianne Bengtsson and I Still Have an Other-Ache, The Bereft and Blackbird - sound installations by Emma-Lina Ericson
Sense of Loss Group exhibition with Marianne Bengtsson, Emma-Lina Ericson and Ylva Landoff Lindberg
January 10th - February 2nd 2014 at Studio 44, Tjärhovsgatan 44, Stockholm
Working on a new exciting sound installation including a flying carpet... experience it at Sense of Loss in January!
At Bonniers konsthall theres a new exhibition coming up; Body Talk/Kroppsspråk 04 dec 2013 - 05 jan 2014 with video installations by American artist Sharon Lockhart.
See you at the guided tours!
While at Bonniers take a look in Spetsen where a new and growing reference library is set up including books and publications not only about the artist who exhibited at the konsthalle but also literature on the different exhibition themes.
I have done some new illustrations for a theme of articles on psychiatric diagnosis and how many different sort we have these days - Read all about it in next issue of REVANSCH! Publishing date is set to 2 December 2013.
I am available for collaborations and new clients!
18.00 December 1st at VEMS Bollplank at EMS (Elektronmusikstudion) in Munchenbryggeriet, Söder Mälarstrand 61, Stockholm.
"Genom musikalisk organisering och polyfon berättarteknik målar konstnären Emma-Lina Ericson fram suggestiva porträtt. Andras berättelser och egna erfarenheter spjälkas upp i taktfasta fakta, melodiösa vittnesmål och klangfyllda frågor. Emma-Lina gör musik. Hon arbetar med ljud, bild och objekt sammanvävda i interaktiva installationer. Objekten och de röstbaserade symfonierna formar tillsammans i gallerirummet ett tematiskt landskap att gå in i eller bli del av.
Föredrag plus quadrofonisk stillsamt kraftull totalupplevelse utlovas …"
Listening through I Still Have An Other-Ache at EMS during my artist talk
Photo: James Foote |
AUTUM 2013
Music performance at Kronan October 26th at 20.00
October 25th - 27th art institutions and galleries in Norrköping celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Norrköpings Konstmuseum.
I am invited to perform some of my audio pieces live at Galleri Kronan.
Survival of the fittest - Concerning Circumstances, Group exhibition, November 1st - 24th at Studio 44, Stockholm
Sense of Loss - Group exhibition with Marianne Bengtsson, Emma-Lina Ericson and Ylva Landoff Lindberg, January 10th - February 2nd 2014 at Studio 44, Stockholm
My fantastic home studio have gotten fierce competition by the studios at Elektronmusikstudion EMS where I - since August this year - develop the sound orientated part of my art.
Art of Memory is the title of an exciting exhibition project September 4th - November 24th at Bonniers konsthall.
See you at the guided tours!
I am looking for new clients and assignments!
Please take a look at the portfolio blogg, find it to your liking and drop me a line ;)
I am looking for people, places and contexts interested in showing the sound installation I still have an Other-ache.
Meanwhile I’m developing the piece to be physically alterable and directly related to the region where it is shown.
A new exhibition by this year's guest artist Jeppe Hein opens April 23rd at Bonniers konsthall.
See you at the guided tours!
Presentation of the piece I still have an Other-ache and documentation from the exhibition at Candyland is now published
I have made some new illustrations for Plaza Watch. They will be published in issue No 20, release date April 25th, 2013.
I've also made some new work for Allt om eget företag.

2 FEBRUARY 2013 |
I still have an Other-ache
What happens to us when someone we love is unhappy or does not want to live anymore? How are children, siblings, parents and friends effected when a loved one prefer to go away, rather than stay with those who are left behind?
Roland Barthes writes in A Lover’s Discourse about the "healthy" civilized and artistic form of compassion: "So I shall suffer with the other, but without pressure, without losing myself."
In the sound installation I still have an Other-ache, it’s the kindred’s voice we hear. Based on other people's stories and personal experiences Emma-Lina Ericson composes a lyrical and evocative orchestration of questions, testimonies and reflections.
Jag har fortfarande ont i min älskade
Vad händer med oss då någon vi älskar är olycklig eller inte vill leva längre? Hur påverkas barn, syskon, föräldrar och vänner när en närstående hellre vill bort, än leva med dem som lämnas kvar?
Roland Barthes skriver i Kärlekens samtal om den "sunda" civiliserade och konstnärliga formen av medlidande: "Jag skall alltså lida med den andre, men utan att ge stöd, utan att själv gå förlorad."
I ljudinstallationen Jag har fortfarande ont i min älskade är det den anhöriges röst vi hör. Utifrån andras berättelser och egna erfarenheter komponerar Emma-Lina Ericson en lyrisk och suggestiv orkestrering av frågor, vittnesmål och funderingar.
The multi channelled voice composition with working title "Next of kin" is slowly coming together and has been given a new name: I still have an Other-ache
Playing with notes and other music signs in a work in progress I call "Sheets of Motet".
At Bonniers konsthall a new exhibition opens December 12th; Soft Works by Sterling Ruby. I will miss More than sound but look forward to a new content for my guided tours!
ELKE illustration, my illustration business, has a new blog/portfolio at www.elkeillustration.wordpress.com!
My latest illustration will be published in Plaza Watch No 19, 2013.
This site is under further construction.
2012 |
I work on a new multi channelled voice composition with the working title "Next of kin".
As guide and exhibition host I look forward to introduce you to the big group exhibition More Than Sound with Swedish and international contemporary artists working with music and audio composition. The exhibition opens at Bonniers Konsthall, 5th of September.
I've been illustrating the essay Who and why men needs a $30.000 watch?? Written by Josh Sims. It will be published in the autumn issue of life style magazine Plaza Watch No 18, 2012 - also including my illustration on new haute joaillerie lines marketed as "eatable sweets".
This site is getting a new user friendlier structure.
I look for new creative interesting assignments within creative/administrative/pedagogical contemporary art in Stockholm County! |